My Bookmarks

My list of bookmarks got out of control and I couldn't keep various computers synchronized, so I made this. Tools for this are getting better, and I'll likely trash this entire site at some point.

The formatting isn't great, but it's useable.

Note that many of these links are likely to be broken. I haven't done a thorough check in quite some time, and don't plan to. I do update or remove anything that I find is broken.

Fun Stuff


Sports, Computer Games, RPGs


Books, Magazines, Music, TV, Sounds


The Real World, Misc, My pages

Geek Stuff

Information Gathering

Portals, Web Searching, Other Searching, Internet Tools

Web Development

WWW development, WWW design, HTML, HTTP, CSS, CGI, XML, Perl, JavaScript, Graphics

Application Development

C/C++ Programming, General Programming, Software


Firewalls, Mail Tools